


Enlaces interesantes Proyectos Fin Carrera




author = "J. Roca and J.C. Ortega and J.A. Álvarez",
title = Local Load Balancing Strategy keeping Data Neighborhood
journal = "WSEAS Transactions on Computers",
year = "2005",
volume = "4",
number = "8",
pages = "917-924"

Autores (p.o. de firma): J.J.Fernández, A.F.Lawrence, J.Roca, I. García, M.H.Ellisman, J.MCarazo
High Performance Computing in Electron Microscope Tomography of Complex Biologicall Structures
Ref. revista / Libro:Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Clave: CL Volumen: Páginas, inicial: 166 final: 180 Fecha: 2003
Editorial (si libro): Lugar de publicación: Madrid

Autores (p.o. de firma):J.J.Fernández, A.F.Lawrence, J.Roca, I. García, M.H.Ellisman, J.MCarazo
High Performance Electron Tomography of Complex Biologicall Structures
Ref. revista / Libro: Journal of Structural Biology
Clave: CL Volumen: Páginas, inicial: 6 final: 20 Fecha: 2002
Editorial (si libro): Lugar de publicación: Madrid

author = "I. García and J. Roca and J. Sanjurjo and J.M. Carazo and E. L. Zapata",
title = Implementation and experimental evaluation of the constrained {ART} algorithm on a multicomputer system
journal = "Signal Processing",
year = "1996",
volume = "51",
number = "1",
pages = "69-76"

author = "J. Roca",
title = "Métodos iterativos para la reconstrucción {3D} en supercomputadores", PHDTHESIS
school = "Universidad de Málaga",
year = 1996

author = "J. Roca",
title = "Reconstrucción tridimensional de imagenes en medicina",
journal = "Campus Inform a}tico",
year = "1995",
pages = "12-14"

author = "J. Sanjurjo and E.L Zapata and I. García and J. Roca and J.M. Carazo",
title = "Convex Constraints on the Residual and 3D Reconstruction from Projections: Proposal of a General {ART} and its Parallel Implementation",
booktitle = "Advances in Pattern Recognition and Applications",
publisher = "Worl Scientific Pub",
year = "1994",
editor = "F. Casacuberta and A. Sanfeliu",
pages = "146-157",
ISBN = "981-02-1672-8"

Autores (p.o. de firma): J. Sanjurjo, E.L. Zapata, I. García, J. Roca, J.M. Carazo
Convex Constraints Enforcing Noise Statistics for 3D Reconstruction
Ref. revista / Libro: Electron Microscopy
Clave: CL Volumen: 1 Páginas, inicial: 455 final: 456 Fecha: 1992
Editorial (si libro): Lugar de publicación:

author = "J. Roca and A. Ramirez and M. Alberto Martínez",
title = "Estimulación selectiva del olfato. Una solución electrónica",
journal = "Anales del Colegio Universitario de Almería",
year = "1981",
pages = "19-23"

author = "J. Roca and G. Olivares and J. Mira",
title = "Un sistema físico para el registro de biopotenciales durante el ejercicio físico",
journal = "Anales del Colegio Universitario de Almería",
year = "1980",
pages = "49-57"

author = "I. García and J. Roca and J.M. García and F. Caro and M.D. Romacho",
title = "Introducción a la teoría de autómatas: un ejemplo",
journal = "Anales del Colegio Universitario de Almería",
year = "1979",
pages = "57-65"












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