Published by fvazquez on Sunday, September 11, 2011
International Journals
[5] Hybrid Computing: CPU+GPU co-processing and its application to tomographic reconstruction.
Agulleiro JI, Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Fernández JJ.
Ultramicroscopy. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.02.003, 2012.
[4] Automatic tuning of the sparse matrix vector product on GPUs based on the ELLR-T approach.
Vázquez F, Fernández JJ, Garzón EM.
Parallel Computing. doi: 10.1016/j.parco.2011.08.003, 2011.
[3] Matrix implementation of simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique (SIRT) on GPUs.
Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Fernández JJ.
The Computer Journal. doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxr033, 2011.
[2] A new approach for sparse matrix vector product on NVIDIA GPUs.
Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Fernández JJ.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 23:815-826, 2011.
[1] A matrix approach to tomographic reconstruction and its implementation on GPUs.
Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Fernández JJ.
Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 170, pp. 146-151. 2010.
Book Chapters
[1] Essay: GPU Computing.
Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Martínez JA.
Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. Springer. (In Press).
[6] Exploiting the regularity of differential operators to accelerate solutions of PDEs on GPUs.
Ortega G, Garzón EM, Vázquez F, García I.
In 11th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. CMMSE, pages -, 2011.
[5] Real-time electron tomography based on GPU computing.
Martínez JA, Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Fernández JJ.
1st Workshop on High Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (HiBB). Euro-par 2010.
[4] Evaluating the sparse matrix vector product on multi-GPUs.
Vázquez F, Ortega G, Fernández JJ, Garzón EM.
In 10th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. CMMSE, pages 961-972, 2010.
[3] GPU computing for 3D EM image classification.
Vázquez F, Martínez JA, Fernández JJ, Bilbao-Castro JR.
In 10th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. CMMSE, pages 973-986, 2010.
[2] Improving the performance of the sparse matrix vector product with GPUs.
Vázquez F, Ortega G, Fernández JJ, Garzón EM.
In 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. CIT 2010, pages 1146-1151. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
[1] Accelerating sparse matrix vector product with GPUs.
Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Martínez JA, Fernández JJ.
In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, volume 2, pages 1081-1092. CMMSE, 2009.
Spanish Conferences
[2] Evaluación del Método del Gradiente Biconjugado para matrices dispersas en GPUs.
Ortega G, Garzón EM, Vázquez F, García I.
In Actas de las XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages -, La Laguna, Septiembre 2011.
[1] Acelerando el producto matriz dispersa vector en GPUs.
Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Martínez JA, and Fernández JJ.
In Actas de las XX Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 313-318, Coruña, Septiembre 2009.
Technical Reports
[1] The sparse matrix vector product on gpus.
Vázquez F, Garzón EM, Martínez JA, Fernández JJ.
Technical Report, June 2009. NVIDIA CUDA Zone.